
The Gospel as It Really Is: Romans Simply Explained is unavailable, but you can change that!

Perhaps no other part of Scripture has had as profound an influence on the history of the Christian church as Paul’s epistle to the Romans. Luther said of Romans, “It can never be read or considered too much or too well, and the more it is handled, the more delightful it becomes and the better it tastes.” In this book the author aims to present a simple introduction to Romans for the ordinary...

Paul’s teaching also contradicts the concept of ‘carnal Christians’ which is popular today. There are many people who believe that the reason why so many who profess to be Christians have unchanged lives is simply that they are Christians of an inferior quality. They teach that such people stand in need of some experience of full consecration, or a ‘baptism in the Spirit’, or something else which will make them what they should be. Different versions of this teaching use different terms, but the
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